Servicing Africa
and beyond

Year founded

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.

Deals completed

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.


Our vision for the africa of tomorrow

Africa is known to be the world’s most abundant and copious hub of natural resources of the highest grade. With its bountiful reserves aiding the development of the World and its nations, Africa is the proverbial heart of trade and resources worldwide. 

At DEXPRO, we seek to elevate Africa’s stature on the global trade market to where it belongs, that is, as the world’s leading source of export for quality and top-notch materials and resources. 

For long, the continent has been deprived of the acknowledgment and compensation it deserves, and through our philosophies and modes of conduct of barter trade, we aim to provide it with the tools and partnerships it requires to regain its rightful position, bolstering the continent’s capabilities of developing its capacities even further. 

Our History

Where it all began

DEXPRO is one of the region's leading trade experts and facilitators since being established in 2018, although our expertise stretches long before that. Founded by one of the region’s leading trade experts, Mr. Khaled and his team have propelled Dexpro to the forefront of the export industry. Dating back to 1982, his 40 years of experience in the industry has reshaped the current landscape noticeably 

Networking worldwide

Starting off as a passionate tradesman studying at Cairo University, Mr. Defrawy went on to develop and disrupt a new way of trading in the region. Constantly expanding his knowledge about the local and global trading landscape, he has built a vast network of connections from around the world. This has led to his accolades and merits of the highest order - such as his appointment as the youngest ASTA member elected by McCormick spices Toronto and accurate ingredients NY.

Perfecting his experience

Knowing the ins and outs of the world of trade allows DEXPRO to improve, adapt and overcome the challenges faced in an ever-evolving industry. By virtue of our founders experience, working with a multitude of goods and commodities; from medical herbs, spices, animal feeds, raw and processed resources, seeds & grains to name a few, DEXPRO has positioned itself as a credible industry leader. 

We are here now

This wealth of insight provides us with the ability to offer services of the highest standards, reliably and consistently. With global experience in trade - from North America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East - we house a vast comprehension of the global landscape down to the finest details; from bureaucracy, red tape, regulations and more. 

DEXPRO was born to cater to the current trade landscape, and all of our endeavors have led us to where we are now - ready and able to provide and facilitate trade of value and quality. 


Our Philosophy

We strive to bring our partners opportunities that otherwise would have been overlooked through a focused drive and attention to detail at every step in our operational process.

Barter Trade
Pillar 1

At DEXPRO, we employ the power of barter and trade exchange to its fullest degree. We at DEXPRO believe that the reinstitution of barter trade - especially in the post COVID era - retrieves the ease of trade that has been hindered in recent years.

Pillar 2

We believe in the transformational power of “value added” through refinement, processing and quality packaging. Through these simple yet effective methods, we’re able to exponentially increase the value of goods traded at minuscule costs in comparison.

Through the synergy of these two pillars, we seek to nurture the global trade marketback to prosperity and give back the value lost over the years to generate more equitable and well deserved returns for all those involved.

Our Mission

To Elevate

We seek to elevate the current global trade markets as well as the quality of goods exchanged on bilateral and multilateral levels.

To Shift

DEXPRO aims to shift and realign the way trade is done on a global level. Through the employment and implementation of our philosophies.

To Implement

Through the stringent implementation of barter trade and value-added models, we intend to eradicate the value lost and opportunities cost to all trade parties alike.

Join us on our journey in changing GLOBAL TRADE
one step at a time
See an opportunity for collaboration? We grow through our partnerships.
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